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ISRO-NASA team confirms presence of ‘lethal pollutants’ over Asia

Satellite images captured by the team have confirmed the presence of aerosol and nitrate covering the Asia region. New Delhi: A study jointly conducted by experts from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) of the US have confirmed the presence aerosol layer over the Asia region. Satellite images captured by Continúa leyendo


Why resistance to California’s air pollution law is a sign of progress

For decades, California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia has been trying to clean up the air in polluted neighborhoods — first as an activist, then as a legislator. Recently, she celebrated her most significant victory: Governor Jerry Brown needed her help to extend California’s cap-and-trade program. In return for her support, she got the legislature to pay Continúa leyendo


Snooty, oldest Florida manatee in captivity, dies at 69

Snooty, the longest living manatee in captivity, died Sunday, a day after a huge party to celebrate his 69th birthday, according to the South Florida Museum. “Snooty was found in an underwater area only used to access plumbing for the exhibit life support system. Early indications are that an access panel door that is normally Continúa leyendo


National monuments under attack: An unprecedented threat to our national heritage

  On April 26th, President Donald Trump issued an executive order calling for a review of over two dozen national monuments designated since 1996. This is the first time ever that a President has made such a move. It represents a brazen and blatant attempt to allow special interests like the coal, oil and gas, mining, Continúa leyendo


Exclusive: Trump EPA transition chief laments slow progress in killing green rules

  The man who led President Donald Trump’s transition team for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Myron Ebell, told a conservative conference last month that the new administration is moving too slowly to unravel climate change regulations. In closed-door remarks to members of the conservative Jefferson Institute in Virginia on April 18, a recording of Continúa leyendo