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China creates giant panda heaven

The Chinese government just approved one of the world’s largest protected areas, creating a giant panda reserve three times as big as Yellowstone National Park, and spanning three Chinese provinces. The reserve will connect approximately 67 existing panda reserves on six separated mountain ranges in Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces, totaling 10,476 square miles (27,134 sq km). China state news Continúa leyendo


Trump has launched a blitzkrieg in the wars on science and Earth’s climate

Today, Donald Trump signed an executive order taking aim at America’s climate policies. On the heels of a report finding that the world needs to halve its carbon pollution every decade to avoid dangerous climate change, Trump’s order would instead increase America’s carbon pollution, to the exclusive benefit of the fossil fuel industry. Trump’s anti-climate Continúa leyendo


Does Your Food Really Expire – and When Should You Be Concerned?

An estimated 30 percent of food is lost or wasted at the retail and consumer level, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.   Perhaps you didn’t even check to see if the food was still good before throwing it in the trash. You looked at the “Best by” date – or myriad other possible Continúa leyendo


EPA head Scott Pruitt denies that carbon dioxide causes global warming..

  Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s head of the US Environmental Protection Agency, has dismissed a basic scientific understanding of climate change by denying that carbon dioxide emissions are a primary cause of global warming. Pruitt said on Thursday that he did not believe that the release of CO2, a heat-trapping gas, was pushing global temperatures Continúa leyendo


Oil spills keep devastating Niger Delta

Amnesty International is blaming two oil giants for more than 500 oil spills in Nigeria’s Niger Delta in 2014. The area has been mismanaged for decades. Could the upcoming election bring a solution?           It’s David versus Goliath in the oil-rich Niger Delta. On one side are Royal Dutch Shell – Continúa leyendo